
New Album Posted! ... Almost.

The new album is almost posted. Almost. I just completed uploading the files to The Internet Archive, so it usually takes them a few days to straighten out the files, and format them into their proper formats, setup the Flash Player, etc.

So, ... I will post the link here, but just remember, the page may look a little funny, and may not be ready to play the songs or download them properly, but you can take a look and bookmark it. if you wish.

I am adding it to my discography, too, along with the front cover pic, and a short description of the album, which is not easy, since this one is hard do describe in a short space.

You can also listen to the songs in the player at the lower right of the page - note that the Internet Archive has lost the ability to show which song is playing, so you can visit the actual page and stream it there, too.

Here's a link to the album.

I'll try to post again once the Archive is completed it's formatting, etc.


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